Custom Person Card for Home Assistant

A custom Person Card for the UI Lovelace Minimalist theme for Home Assistant.



Variable Default Required Notes
ulm_card_person_entity The person entity
ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture true If you set this to true, the card shows the entity picture from your user, otherwise (set to false) shows the icon. Default is false.
ulm_card_person_zone1 Set another zone (beside "home") to use for the card. You can set up two zones besides "home".
ulm_card_person_zone2 Set another zone (beside "home") to use for the card. You can set up two zones besides "home".
ulm_address Show an address as label, add an entity with a geo location
ulm_card_person_driving_entity Set a binary sensor that depicts when this person is driving
ulm_card_person_battery_entity Set a battery level sensor
ulm_card_person_battery_state_entity Set a battery state sensor (eg the battery state sensor from the home assistant companion app will have the states "charging" or "discharging")
ulm_card_battery_battery_level_danger 15 Changes the color of the Icon, if the battery level falls below the provided value. Must be higher than ulm_card_battery_battery_level_waring
ulm_card_battery_battery_level_waring 30 Changes the color of the Icon, if the battery level falls below the provided value.
ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_danger var(--google-red) Color of icon if battery level is within the 'danger' zone.
ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_warning var(--google-yellow) Color of icon if battery level is within the 'warning' zone.
ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_ok var(--google-green) Color of icon if battery level is not within the 'danger' or 'warning' zone.


Download the UI Lovelace Minimalist theme from Home Assistant Community Store (HACS).

Add the following to any view in config/ui_lovelace_minimalist/dashboard/views/ folder.

- type: "custom:button-card"
template: card_person_info_small
ulm_card_person_entity: person.imaginelenses
ulm_card_person_driving_entity: binary_sensor.driving
ulm_card_person_battery_entity: sensor.phone_battery_level
ulm_card_person_battery_state_entity: sensor.phone_battery_state

Create a new file called custom_card_person_info_small.yaml in config/ui_lovelace_minimalist/custom_cards/ folder and paste the following template code in it.

Template Code
- "icon_info_bg"
- "ulm_translation_engine"
ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture: true
ulm_card_person_zone1: ""
ulm_card_person_zone2: ""
ulm_card_person_icon: "mdi:face-man"
ulm_address: ""
ulm_address_locality: ""
ulm_card_person_driving_entity: ""
ulm_card_person_battery_entity: ""
ulm_card_person_battery_state_entity: ""
ulm_card_battery_battery_level_danger: 15
ulm_card_battery_battery_level_warning: 30
ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_danger: "var(--google-red)"
ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_warning: "var(--google-yellow)"
ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_ok: "var(--google-green)"
triggers_update: "all"
action: "more-info"
entity: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_entity; ]]]"
action: "more-info"
entity: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_battery_entity; ]]]"
show_label: true
show_name: true
label: >
if (variables.ulm_address){
return states[variables.ulm_address].state;
} else if (variables.ulm_address_locality){
return states[variables.ulm_address_locality].attributes.Locality;
else if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_driving_entity]?.state === "on") {
let state = states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state;
return `Driving - ${variables.ulm_translation_state}`;
} else {
let state = states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state;
return hass.resources[hass["language"]]["component.person.entity_component._.state." + state] ? hass.resources[hass["language"]]["component.person.entity_component._.state." + state] : state;

name: "[[[ return states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].attributes.friendly_name ]]]"
entity: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_entity; ]]]"
icon: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_icon; ]]]"
show_entity_picture: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture ]]]"
"[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture != false ? states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].attributes.entity_picture\
\ : null ]]]"
- grid-template-areas: "'i battery' 'n n' 'l l'"
- color: "rgba(var(--color-theme),0.9)"
- width: "42px"
- place-self: "start"
- place-self: "center"
- margin-left: 0
- margin-top: "6%"
- place-self: "center"
- margin-left: 0
- text-transform: "capitalize"
- position: "absolute"
- top: "7%"
- left: "38px"
- height: "16px"
- width: "16px"
- border: "2px solid var(--card-background-color)"
- border-radius: "50%"
- font-size: "12px"
- line-height: "14px"
- background-color: >
if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state == 'home') {
return "rgba(var(--color-blue),1)";
} else {
return "rgba(var(--color-yellow),1)";

- width: "30px"
- height: "30px"
- place-self: "end"
- align-self: "center"
- background-color: "rgba(var(--primary-background-color), 0.5)"
- border: "2px solid var(--card-background-color)"
- border-radius: "50%"

notification: >
let height = "11px";
let width = "11px";
if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state !== 'home') {
if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state === states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone1]?.attributes?.friendly_name) {
var icon = states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone1].attributes.icon !== null ? states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone1].attributes.icon : 'mdi:help-circle'
return `<ha-icon icon="' + icon + '" style="height: ${height}; width: ${width}; color: var(--primary-background-color);"></ha-icon>`;
} else if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state === states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone2]?.attributes?.friendly_name) {
var icon = states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone2].attributes.icon !== null ? states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone2].attributes.icon : 'mdi:help-circle'
return `<ha-icon icon="' + icon + '" style="height: ${height}; width: ${width}; color: var(--primary-background-color);"></ha-icon>`;
} else {
return `<ha-icon icon="mdi:home-minus" style="height: ${height}; width: ${width}; color: var(--primary-background-color);"></ha-icon>`;
} else {
return `<ha-icon icon="mdi:home-variant" style="height: ${height}; width: ${width}; color: var(--primary-background-color);"></ha-icon>`;

battery: >
if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_battery_entity]?.state) {
let battery_level = states[variables.ulm_card_person_battery_entity]?.state;
battery_level = Number(battery_level);
let charging = states[variables.ulm_card_person_battery_state_entity]?.state.toLowerCase() === "charging";
var infix = charging ? "-charging" : "";
let icon = "mdi:help-circle-outline";
if (battery_level == 100) {
icon = "mdi:battery";
} else if (battery_level < 10) {
icon = "mdi:battery" + infix + "-outline";
} else if (battery_level == "unknown" || battery_level == "unavailable") {
icon = "mdi:battery-off";
} else {
icon = "mdi:battery" + infix + "-" + Math.floor(battery_level / 10) * 10;
let color = variables.ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_ok;
if (battery_level !== "unavailable") {
if (battery_level <= variables.ulm_card_battery_battery_level_danger) {
color = variables.ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_danger;
} else if (battery_level <= variables.ulm_card_battery_battery_level_warning) {
color = variables.ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_warning;
} else {
color = variables.ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_ok;
return `
<ha-icon icon="${icon}" style="height: 27px; width: 27px; color: ${color};"></ha-icon>

Restart Home Assistant.
